

beef steak, my all-time favorite dish prepared by my dad. The traditional Chamorro bistek as i've observed is simmered in vinegar, achote, and peas. Filipino bistek is just calamansi, soy sauce, onions, and garlic. There are no veggies. Similar to adobo, there a myriad of ways to prepare it, depending on the cut of meat and the method of marination. this is the way my dad taught me and i refuse to have it any other way. Though the Chamorro version has a beautiful color and thickness, the flavor profile is also acidic.

Filipino bistek:
Marinate sliced beef (preferably skirt or flank) in soy sauce and calamansi juice for at least thirty minutes. While marinating, pan-fry garlic and sliced white onion rings to your liking. When transparent (but still firm), remove half the onions to reserve for serving.  Brown the marinated beef in the heated oil and garlic at med-high heat. Once browned on both sides, pour the remaining marination and simmer.  Return the onions before serving.

Chamorro bistek:
Season thin sliced beef (chuck or stewing meat) with salt and pepper.  Sautéed onions until transparent.  Toss beef with onions.  Add enough water and 4tbsp vinegar with enough liquid to cover the meat. Cover until tenderized. Add frozen peas and achote powder. Simmer until thickened. 


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